During the Financial Year 2011-12, South Central Railway has handled record level of Traffic – both on freight and passenger sectors – and crossed highest ever Earnings in any Financial Year.
S.C.Railway crossed the milestone of 100 million tonnes (mt) of originating freight loading in the Financial Year and loaded a record 103 million tonnes of freight during 2011-12, registering a growth rate of 7% compared to 96.2 mt loaded in the previous year.
Coal with 53.32 mt. constituted 52% of the total loading. Coal loading showed a growth of4.6 % compared to 48.74 mt. loaded Last Year. Cement with 24.70 mt. (growth of 2.8%), Food grains with 7.38 mt. (growth of 17.30%), Fertilizer with 6.60 mt. (growth of 8.0%), constituted other major components of freight traffic handled on SCR.The SCR’s freight loading is mainly aided by Coal from Singareni Collieries and the traffic offered at the Ports of Krishnapatnam and Kakinada.
SCR hasachieved a Gross Earnings of Rs. 8194/- Cr. with an additional incremental earnings ofRs. 846.30 Cr. over last Year’s gross earnings of Rs. 7348.00 Cr., posting a healthy growth rate of 11.50%. Earnings from Freight ie., 5815.00 Cr., - constituted 71% of the total earnings and have shown a growth of 13% over Last Year.
SCR excelled on passenger front too.It carried 384 million originating passengers during 2011-12 ie., 10.5 lakh passengers on an average per day.The number of originating passengershas shown an increase of 7.5%vis-à-vis last year’s tally of 357 million passengers, thus carrying an additional 27 million passengers in financial year 2011-12. Passenger Earnings constituted 25% of total earnings. They grew by 8.4% in 2011-12 to 2020.56 Cr. compared to Rs.1863.90 Cr. of last year.
SCR could show up such impressive performance in the traffic handled and Earnings despite several disturbances which affected Rail movement during last year.
On this occasion, Shri.G.N.Asthana, General Manager/SCR complemented the officers and staff for the highest ever record performance achieved in the Traffic Volume and Earnings during 2011-12.