South Central Railway Medical Department celebrated 57th RailwayWeek at the Rail Nilayam Auditorium , Secunderabad on 19th April, 2012.Dr S K Sharma Chief Medical Director was the Chief Guest on the function. The Divisional and Head Quarters Medical Incharges, Medical Officers and General Secretary South Central Railway Mazdoor Union with their office bearers werepresent at the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, Shri Dr. Sharma narrated the responsibilities of Medical Department in taking care of the health of Railway employees and their family members in order to ensure the peaceful and dedicated work of the employees to the organization. Helauded the team of experts Doctors who performed 153 Specialsurgeriesin the Railway Hospital, Lallaguda.
He presented“ailway Week Awards” to 100 Para Medical and other staff fromMedical Department for their meritorious service during the year 2011-12. He said that Cardiac Health check-up atDiesel Loco Shed, Kazipetand100%Health check-upcoverage forRailway employees at Hyderabad Bhavan were organized.He appreciated the Doctorswho had presented their papers in International and National Medical Conferences.
Power Point Medical quiz was organised on the occasion followed by a Musical Nite.Lastly Dr. C Ravindra Sharma Additional Chief Medical Offocer, Health and Family Welfare also spoke on the occasion.